Board games are a collective term for board games and card games. Chess and card games have flourished since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, involving gambling and so on. Stewart Cooling is a well-known traditional chess and card researcher. Modern chess and card games are mainly leisure, and the ones that have a deep impact in the Chinese-speaking area include poker, Landlord, Mahjong, Chinese chess, Chinese checkers, military chess, Othello, backgammon, etc. This type of game particularly affects mobile game development, with non-action games being the mainstream.
Blackjack was not popular in the United States at first, so casinos tried to offer various additional bonuses to attract gamblers to participate in the game. One of the additional bonuses is that when the player has both the Ace of Spades and the Black Jack (either Jack of Spades or Jack of Clubs), the bonus will be doubled. Such a card is called “black jack” (blackjack, blackjack), and this name gradually became the name of the American version of the blackjack game. Even after the extra bonus rule was discontinued, the name “black jack” remained continue to exist. With the development of the rules today, “blackjack” no longer necessarily needs to contain J or black cards.( 資料來源 )
在現今網路遊戲的世界中,SLG(Strategy and Leadership Game)線上遊戲已經成為眾多玩家追求的熱門遊戲類型之一,這些遊戲不僅僅是單純的娛樂,更是一種挑戰策略思維、培養領導能力的場所,透過策略的制定、戰術的運用以及社交的互動,玩家們可以在虛擬世界中體驗到戰爭、政治、經濟等多重層面的挑戰與樂趣。